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NB! Pga. ferie behandles bestillinger efter d. 25. februar.


Visit us

By visiting us, you'll see practical permaculture live!

Our plot of 920 m2 is designed with forest garden, roof garden, kitchen garden, water garden, green house, nursery, integrated ducks and finally our strawbale and wool-insulated house with pantry, sunroom, workshop etc.

On the tour you will hear about the building process, choices made, establishment of the gardens, perennial vegetables and the forest garden functions - or we focus on your specific interests and questions.

We take a tour at our 4 ha. agroforestry farm, where animals, trees and vegetable production are fully integrated. You will see and hear about our U-pick vegetable subscription model, no-dig/no-till methods, trees as fundamental elements in the landscape, and the precious functions of our animals.

A tour lasts 2 hours.


Open tour:

50 kr/person (kids for free)

Private tour:

600 kr up to 6 personer. If more, then 50 kr/person

Schools, businesses & organizations:

1400 kr

Open tour

(come as you are - no sign-up necessary)

Price: 50 kr/person (kids for free)

Dates 2024 to be announced shortly

"Mange tak for en yderst interessant og meget givende rundvisning i går. Vi er blevet meget inspirerede og fulde af energi til vores nye ‘Nordskov’!" Ellen & Flemming Bundgaard, 2024

"Af hjertet tak for at trodse vejrliget og vise os rundt. Det er SÅ inspirerende, hvad I formår at udrette - jeres eksempel gør mig håbefuld :)" Emma Skamris Therkelsen, lærer, Egå ungdomshøjskole, 2024